The Arduino BLE_notify example now seems different enough than the the git version such that it doesn’t work for me. So using the git version.
Also, I am not seeing “MyESP32” in the scanner esp32 as it scrolls. No name, only an address.
The monitor output for the “Examples” is static and nothing is sent out, whereas output from the git source shows sequential notification. In either case I do see a change of vales in nRF Connect.
I would leave an image but I’m struggling with how to do that.
You’re right. The example was updated and now it is a bit different.
However, I’ve tested both examples, and both were working well.
The version from the examples doesn’t show anything in the Serial Monitor because that example notifies a new value every 3 milliseconds, so it would crash the serial monitor if they tried to print every value.
However, if you want to see those values being printed, you can change the delay time to 1000 ms for example, and add a print to show the values.
For example:
if (deviceConnected) { pCharacteristic->setValue((uint8_t*)&value, 4); Serial.println(value); pCharacteristic->notify(); value++; delay(1000); // bluetooth stack will go into congestion, if too many packets are sent, in 6 hours test i was able to go as low as 3ms }
Both examples are working well, but are a bit different.
Anyway, we need to update the instructions to include the new example.
I hope this is clear.