Hi Rui Santos,
I realised that I have to always reset my server when I logged in with my phone or PC to take control of the server. Does it remembers the first client that gets to log in only?
Dear Sara,
It is the one whereby the ESP32 control the 2 relays to the electrical lamps.
Incidentally, will you both be coming up a series on Zee-Bee controllers?
Is this project you’re talking about: https://rntlab.com/module-4/esp32-web-server-control-outputs-relay/
If you’re having that problem it’s probably because Google Chrome lefts a connection open on a new client, and then you can’t connect to it anymore.
To solve that issue, follow this: https://rntlab.com/question/solved-esp32-web-server-drops-connection-crashes/
At the moment, we don’t plan to cover Zee-Bee on a near future.
Let me know if that solved your problem.