I’d like to know if it’s possible to connect remotely to ESP32S using DDNS Server like DynDNS or NoIP.
If yes, how? Can I use a static IP address?
Hello Reginaldo, in order to use a DDNS service, you need to use a library like this:
They have examples for all the services:
I hope that helps. Regards,
Tks, Rui Santos.
I’ll try the suggestion. It seems to be fine.
I’ll keep informed.
Hi, Rui,
It hasn´t worked, yet. I´m getting some errors related to the ESP32 Library (it reads a ESP8266 Library).
As I didn´t have time to search and fix it, give some more time to try. If I can´t do it, I will ask for your help. Otherwise, I´ll send the solution.
Guess have news until next week end.
Tks by your support.