I cannot get a 0.96 OLED to work with ESP32 Dev Kit.
Using the Adafruit SSD1306 I2C example for 128×32 display with a UNO all displays work perfectly. However they will not work with either 30 or 36 pin ESP32’s.
The same ESP32 connected to a BME280 works perfectly.
Using the I2C Address sketch shows three devices attached to the ESP32’s even when there is nothing attached!! Non of the addresses work for the OLED.
I have tried adding the following code to the sketch
# ifndef OLED_RST
# define OLED_RST 16
# endif
# ifendif OLED_SDA
# define OLED_SDA 21
# ifendif OLED_SCL
# define OLED_SCL 22
Still no success. Any ideas pls.
Hi Peter.
Can you show me a picture of your OLED display? To share a picture use a link to google drive, imgur or dropbox, for example.
How are you wiring the display to your board?
What code are you trying to run? And what changes have you made to make it work with the ESP32?