I have explored your modules on MQTT and mesh networking and congratulate you on excellent work. But now, I would like to join the two together and it looks like the fundamental problem is that they need to establish different network connections. Do you have any courses or ideas on how to join MQTT with a mesh network?
At the moment, I haven’t experimented with MQTT and ESP-MESH together.
However, the painlessMesh library provides an example with MQTT.
You can take a look at the example here: https://github.com/gmag11/painlessMesh/tree/master/examples/mqttBridge
I hope this helps.
I intend to create a tutorial about that in the future.
Hi Sara,
I am your student. I would like to know how to control 1 master(ESP32) + 1 or 2 or 3 (ESP32)(Client by mesh net work( Publish and Subscribe)without internet.
Thanks in advance Teacher
Anurak Klaysri
Hu Anurak.
To use MQTT without internet, you need to setup your Pi as an access point.
Then, you need to connect your ESP32 boards to the RPi Wi-Fi access point.
You can have, for example, one ESP32 (master) that publishes a message to a single MQTT topic. If all the other boards are subscribed to that topic, they will all receive the same command.
I hope this helps.
I’m not sure that I understood your question.