I have a couple (or more) IOT modules that I want to connect via an ESP8266 WiFi link.
The modules are separate and do not allow wired connectivity. Both modules control sister processes that are related and interact, so I need to transfer measured data and status from each module to the other. The modules are configured as a Master-Slave, so that the master always initiates a communication session. Each module will have its own ESP8266. The IOT CPU will interact with the ESP8266 via a serial port (this part is solved). The data itself and the messages transferred are essentially binary.
I want to design and program the system using Arduino IDE, preferring a client-server WiFi configuration and possibly (but not necessarily) sending the info by means of http message strings.
Can you recommend a tutorial or example that provides a solution to this problem statement?
Hi Ron.
We have this tutorial about wi-fi communication between ESP8266 boards via HTTP that might be useful(however only one board sends data to the other):
Alternatively, you can use ESP-NOW to transfer data (it’s relatively easy to implement): https://randomnerdtutorials.com/esp-now-esp8266-nodemcu-arduino-ide/
Let me know if you need further help.