I m working on the MicrpoPython course deep sleep for ESp8266.
I am using ESp12-E NodeMCU devkit board and getting 10mA as should be expected from looking at other answers. I saw before that Rui recommended shutting down WiFi in C code to reduce the current consumption. How can it be done in MicroPython?
Hello, it looks like you are already in deep sleep at the current level (and with wifi shutdown). However, the ESP dev boards have too many components that waste a lot of power, so in order to get lower current levels, you need to use a bare ESP chip.
I have a dedicated project that shows how to use a bare ESP chip to get very low current levels: https://randomnerdtutorials.com/low-power-weather-station-datalogger-using-esp8266-bme280-micropython/