I try to use 7 digital outputs, but i find how to use only (d1 d2, d3)
but not d4, d5, d6, d7, d8 and not s3, s2.
I tried without success with :
Generic ESP8266 module
LOLIN wemos D1&mini
NodeMCU 0.9 (esp-12 module)
nodeMCU 1.0 (esp-12E module)
Did I do a mistake?
What can I test ?
Is it possible to use more than 3 digital Outputs ?
Thanks in advance for any help.
I never experimented with that board. So, I’m not sure what might be the issue.
You need to keep in mind that D4 corresponds to GPIO2, D5 corresponds to GPIO 14, … You can check the pinout correspondence here: https://randomnerdtutorials.com/esp8266-pinout-reference-gpios/
Additionally, in that specific board, the pins marked on the top of the board as S3, S2, S1, SC, S0, and SK, are all used by the board to interface with the 4MB external flash chip, so you can’t use them as outputs.