Is there a way to add a meta tag to refresh the web page every 10 seconds, instead of having to click the refresh on the browser? I placed a line after the <head> with the following and I get errors: ptr +=”<meta http-equiv=”refresh” content=10>”;
Thanks for your website, get lots of great info.
Hi Stephen,
Just check your quotes around -> content=10 <-
I think there is a quote missing.
The following line is the W3 original and I see a difference with the quotes.
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="5">
But as requested by Sara, what code sample are you following?
Because I also remember once used such a parsing function with “ptr + <html>” in conjunction with a weather station project and BOSCH BMP sensor.
Here the tricky part might be including the double quotes from the meta tag with the ptr string double quotes.
I don’t know, if it is simply allowed to replace the inner double quotes with single quotes.
Could you guide us to that code snippet?
Good luck and happy coding,