After reading the latest email bulletin from RNT on the AI-Thinker ESP CAM, I was happy to see that GPIO 16 could be used for digital I/O.
When I went to test this out however, I found the pin remains high (3.2v) always. I even programmed it as output and toggled the output high/low with no change. (1K pulldown on output pin.)
Is there something special needed to use GPIO 16 for general purpose I/O or did I just miss something in the latest update. (I’m downloading the book now! 🙂 )
Thanks for any ideas / guidance.
Thanks for pointing that out.
I’ve tested this and I also have the same results for the GPIO 16 as an OUTPUT. It worked well as an INPUT for a pushbutton.
I’ve taken a look at the ESP32-CAM diagram and found that GPIO 16 is internally connected with a 10K pull-up resistor.
I didn’t notice that when I wrote the guide. I’ll update the guide.