Hi! I hope you are very well.
In the book “Build_a_Home_Automation_System” p. 83 You propouse use a wireless booster.
First question: wireless booster is the same that repeter?. I buy one like this: https://articulo.mercadolibre.com.mx/MLM-1397095692-amplificador-wifi-repetidor-de-senal-con-4-antenas-_JM?quantity=1&variation_id=174340375124
I use this device in repeater mode, but the principal net name is “HANNY”, the extended net name is “HANNY_ext”.
The broker is conected to the extended net, and, three ESP32, but two ESP32 are to principal net.
How can I connect all devices in the same net?
I can’t comunicate beetwin all devices.
Thanks for your support.
Yes, it is the same as a repeater.
What happens when you try to communicate with the ESP32 (on the principal net) to the broker? Is the connection established? Or is it not able to establish a connection?
Do you have more information about the connection problem?