I’m on page 56 of .pdf ESP32-CAM Projects. The board & camera I’m using is very similar to the AI Thinker. I bought it here on Banggood: https://www.banggood.com/ESP32-CAM-WiFi-+-bluetooth-Camera-Module-Development-Board-ESP32-With-Camera-Module-OV2640-p-1394679.html?cur_warehouse=CN
I checked and it does have an onboard 4MB PSRAM (ESP PSRAM54H).
The issue is that with QVGA or CIF resolution set in the web app, Face Detection is not working when the button is selected. Upgrading the board driver from v1.0.4 to v1.0.6 did not help. Any ideas?
Face Detection is supposed to place a square around the individual’s face. No such square is drawn on my screen.
Can you provide more details?
What exactly happens when you say it does not work?
Do you get any errors? Does it freeze?
Face Detection is supposed to place a square around the individual’s face. No such square is drawn on my screen.
I’ve just tested that example again and it is working just fine on my side.
There are some points that you might need to check:
- You need to use the ESP32 boards version 1.0.4
- You need to click on Start Stream first before enabling face detection.
- Face detection only works with CIF resolution or lower.
- Make sure you have a good wifi connection with your router. Do you have an external antenna? If you don’t, you can try to place the camera closest to your router.
I hope this helps.
Sara, no change. How do I attach a screenshot? Your icon tool will not permit me to attach something I have already taken/created?
To share a screenshot, please share a link to google drive, dropbox, imgur or another service that can host images.
I put the picture on this webpage on my server: http://zed80.com/rnd/esp32-cam.htm The graininess is due to the capture program I used, but as you can see the config is correct and there is no border around the person’s face.
I was able to check your picture. It looks fine, except for the missing yellow rectangle.
Are you using the downloaded code from the eBook, or are you using the example found in File > Examples > ESP32 > Camera > CameraWebServer?
I am using the downloaded code from the eBook. I neglected to mention that often when I click Face Detection once the Stream has started, the image will freeze. Either way, no yellow rectangle. I think I’ve got a bum board.
That might be related to a poor Wi-Fi signal between the ESP32 and your router, or also it can be an insufficient power supply.
Does your ESP32-CAM come with an external antenna?
The router is 6 feet (2m) away from the ESP32-CAM. I have confirmed the signal strength with my iPhone. There should be no need for an antenna.
I have provided a separate 5v power supply to the breadboard because the USB/FTDI adaptor historically cannot provide power to circuits without burning out itself. The tiny voltage meter on the BB shows 5.10v DC.
Everything seems fine.
However, can you check that your board is set to use the on-board antenna?
There’s an explanation about that on the eBook page 34.
Sara, I have tried it with the onboard antenna, and with the external antenna after moving the resistor/solder blob from “right” to “left”: same result. I received a motherboard for it in the mail this morning but there was no change. So I tried a 2nd and 3rd board placed on the new motherboard and left it at the default local antenna position: same issue. I’m giving up on this and will just continue on with the rest of the book. Thanks, anyway.
Thanks for the update.
I’m sorry about that issue. I’m out of ideas of what might be wrong with your setup that prevents face detection.
I hope you can follow the next projects successfully.
Did you try the latest CameraWebServer example? Apparently there were issues with older versions of this.