In one first step, it was possible to verify and upload the WiFiScan example with success but it was not possible to receive the corresponding output pressing reset. Now it is not possible to upload any sketch receiving always the message referred to in the title. Using the boot button until “connecting” phase has no success too.
What sketches are you trying to upload to your board?
Can you show the complete error?
Sometimes it is difficult to understand the PCB behavior. First, it was not possible to set up any USB connection but by disconnecting the cable and waiting some time when reconnecting the system has recovered and it works. In my understanding, it is better to disconnect the USB cable between two sketches and wait a few minutes before repeating the procedure again.
The error is reported when connecting phase starts and the text is “Failed uploading: uploading error: exit status 2”.
Hi again.
What version of the Arduino IDE are you using?
What board model are you using? Which board are you selecting in Tools > Board?
Did you open any other connection, terminal type, on the same USB?
It is not possible to have more than one connection point to point in USB.
What happened till now is sometimes the board ( DOIT ESP32 DEVKIT V1) does not accept sequential downloads and I am solving this situation by disconnecting and connecting again.
I use VsCode with PlatformIO, and if I forget to close the terminal I can’t load the firmware.Ferdinando