On page 125 (bottom) of firebase web app book
On this question :
What file should be used for real time database security rules? Database.rules.js
When I press “Enter”
I get this error:
Error: unable to parse json: syntaxError: expected token / in JSON at position 0
Ps c:\users\sandile\documents\firebase>
I have tried almost everything If I go to this location on firebase folder I find nothing, infact I am stuck
Please help
Thank you
Have you followed all the instructions until that point?
I’m not sure if it makes a difference, but can you try to use a folder with a different name than “firebase” in your documents?
Then, repeat all the instructions to create the firebase project, but on that new folder.
Let me know if it makes a difference or if you continue with the same error.
Hi Sara
I commented with “//” in my JSON I didn’t know that such comments are not allowed in JSON, thats why it said : I had an error in JSON at position 0
Thank you Sara🙏