Hello I´m starting with the Course “Home Automation with esp8266” and try to flash the esp01 with nodeMCU-Firmware, using a ftdi-programmer as described in the course on page 466. I try to flash it with the mentioned firmware, downloaded from github.the ftdi-programmer works fine.The flash programming tool always stucks, whatever baudrate i am using. I`m able to download an andruido ino-file to the module, but cannot flash it to download an esplorer-app. .
Hi Johann.
I’m sorry for that issue.
Can you share what do you see when it gets stuck?
Hi Sara
In the meantime i have done dozen of tests
I use three different ESP01.
I can flash AT-Firmware on all three modules.
I can download Arduino C++ Applications on three modules.
All the above works fine.
But if I try to flash the nodeMCU-Firmware “nodemcu-master 11…” as you mention on page 466 , in order to run LUA-Application on the ESP01, I allwas run in trouble. I get the MAC and it starts flashing, I see the progress bar. But after some seconds it stops and nothing happens.
I have also tried to flash the default INTERNAL://NODEMCU (page 466 top). I get the same result. After a while the flasher stops and nothing happens.
For some tests, I have used a separate power supply during flashing.
In the meantime a used also NodeMCU PYFlasher: same result. After a while it stops.
One could think it is broken hardware, but look:
I use three different ESP01.
I can flash AT-Firmware on all three modules
I can download Arduino C++ Applications on all three modules,
but never ever I get the nodeMCU-Frimare on any of the ESP01.
Do you have any idea whats wrong?
Hi Johann.
With what you described I can’t figure out what might be wrong.
The only thing that causes problems many times is the wiring. Make sure that GPIO 0 is connected to GND. But as you mentioned, you are able to upload other firmware.
It is also strange that you can’t make it using a different software. The only thing that can be wrong is the LUA firmware, but that’s improbable.
I’m sorry, but I don’t see what else can be wrong :/
Hi Sara,
of course GPIO 0 is on Ground, otherwise the flash process would not start. But it starts and runs a bit. I can see it on the progress bar. Could it be an temperature-issue or power-Issue? in some forum article i read about using a capacitor between GND und VCC. Others talk about using a separte power to flash?
And as i wrote. I use three different moduls form two vendors.
might work
Hi Sara, DK, thanks for your help. In the meantime I figured it out and it works now.
What was wrong? Basically it was a kind of cabling. I used a breadboard. In this i put the ft232 and an adapter for the esp. i guess I had to much interfaces for the flashing power of 500 mA.
Now i use cable from the FT232 directly to the esp, no breadboard, no adapter and it works fine.
It was confusing, because as i wrote everythin else worked fine with the breadboard installation