I have flashed one of my esp8266 12E boards with NodeMCU Flasher and used ESPlorer to load and use successfully, but my second ESP 8266 12E if I flash it with NodeMCU Flasher it flashes but when I disconnect it and reconnect it to ESPilorer its led starts to flash at a very high rate and prints garbage prints in the ESPlorer window and will not load even the blink program. I have tried a different baud rate but will not work. But this same ESP8266 12E board workes on the Arduino id with no problem with Arduino programs. I have done the Web Server module and it works well. please help me I am looking to add a PIR alarm to the web server module I need the code to add to get to give me a warning on my smartphone of an intruder. I wanted to use the Email Notifier with ESP8266 and PIR Motion Sensor but cant as for the above problem and so I want to be able to use the Arduino IP instead create a PIR warning program. Regards Bill White
Hi William.
I don’t know why you are getting that issue with ESPlorer. I have no idea why that is happening.
I didn’t understand your second question. Do you want to program your ESP8266 with Arduino IDE, right? So, what’s really the problem? Do you need some example about sending email notifications? I’m sorry, nut I didn’t understand.
Yes, to my second question please if you can. I have tried other examples online but none of them work well
regards William
We have this example, but I’m not sure that this is that you want – ESP32 Email Notification: https://randomnerdtutorials.com/esp32-esp8266-send-email-notification/
We have examples for the ESP32 SMTP Server: https://randomnerdtutorials.com/esp32-send-email-smtp-server-arduino-ide/
But we don’t have for the ESP8266.
However, I’ve found these tutorials that might help:
- instructables.com/id/ESP8266-GMail-Sender/
- electronicshub.org/send-an-email-using-esp8266/
- electrosome.com/sending-email-esp8266-iot-project/