Hello, I would like to receive your advice. I have a dozen ESP32 that replace the coin systems of a laundry business. Each activates the machines and records their use on a micro SD card. All of them are within a LAN via Wi-Fi.
I would like to collect the information of all ESP32 in a single spreadsheet file accessible within the LAN.
How can I do this?
Hi Paul.
One of the easiest ways is using IFTTT.
Take a look at our tutorial: https://randomnerdtutorials.com/esp32-esp8266-publish-sensor-readings-to-google-sheets/
I think you just need to upload the same code to all ESP32 boards and they will be publishing information to the same spreadsheet.
If you don’t want to use IFTTT, you can create a google application. One of our readers published something about that sometime ago: https://rntlab.com/question/send-sensor-reading-via-email-in-micropython-directly-to-google-sheet-page-191/
Alternatively, you can also create your own database using your own server domain: https://randomnerdtutorials.com/esp32-esp8266-mysql-database-php/
I hope this helps.
Hi Sara,
Thanks a lot for your kind answer.
I’m using already IfTTT and it works fine, but as the internet connection is not 100% reliable some events get lost.
I’m wondering if there is any way to gather the information inside the LAN, which is always available.
Hi Paul.
Using a Raspberry Pi to receive all data from the ESP32 boards can be another alternative to run your system inside the LAN.
We’re thinking about combining our mySQL project database with a Raspbery Pi server with database for those who want to have all the information inside the LAN. But it will take some time to have that project ready as we have other projects to finish first.
We have this similar (but totally different) project for the ESP8266: https://randomnerdtutorials.com/esp8266-publishing-dht22-readings-to-sqlite-database/ (but I’m not sure if it is working at the moment as it is not updated since 2017)