I have a TTGO T-beam with a ublox gps module on it. The board print shows 12 & 15 as Rx Tx pins and I have loaded a range of gps libraries and just tried reading serial data but I can’t get any data at all. I also have a separate ublox board and that also I have been unable to get data, or even see activity on rx/tx using logic analyser. I understood the default behaviour of these is to start sending NMEA data at 9600bd once power is applied, but even when they flash an LED to confirm they have a fix there is no data.
Is there another step to initiate transmission ?
I’ve already used a u-block NEO-6M module with the ESP32 successfully. You need to go outside and wait a bit (I think in my case, I needed to wait approximately 5 minutes to get signal from satellites). Inside the house, it was impossible to get signal.
I used harware serial on GPIO17 and GPIO16. Here’s a basic example code: https://gist.github.com/sarasantos/7f3061413aca9d9699ca4c8ff928863a
How did you define the pins on your code?
Make sure you have RX–> TX and TX–>RX.
thank you for quick answer, I have tried with the code, using hardwareserial to assign specific pins, but I get no GSP data even when the GPS lock LED is flashing to confirm a fix. I tried both 12,15 and 15,12 as not consistently marked.
Any other idea ?
#include <TinyGPS++.h>
#include <HardwareSerial.h>
static const uint32_t GPSBaud = 9600;
// The TinyGPS++ object
TinyGPSPlus gps;
// The serial connection to the GPS device
HardwareSerial MySerial(1);
void setup(){
// MySerial.begin(GPSBaud);
MySerial.begin(9600, SERIAL_8N1,12,15);
void loop(){
// This sketch displays information every time a new sentence is correctly encoded.
unsigned long start = millis();
Can you show me the product page of your board?
Or a picture of your board?
Is it this one?https://www.banggood.com/LILYGO-TTGO-T-Beam-ESP32-433868915Mhz-WiFi-Wireless-bluetooth-Module-p-1320390.html
To share a picture of yours, here on the forum, you need to share a link to google drive, imgur, or dropbox.
Yes that is exactly the board, are you familar with it ? Which board type in Adruino IDE is the best match for it ? There is a T-beam but I am not sure that is this configuration.
I’m not familiar with that board and unfortunately I don’t have one to experiment with.
Depending on the version of your board, the pins to connect with the GPS may be:
- 15(TX) and 12 (RX)
- 34(TX) and 12(RX) –> Have you tried this configuration?
I’ve seen that here: https://api.riot-os.org/group__boards__esp32__ttgo-t-beam.html#board_configuration