I’m in the Unit “MQTT-Connect ESP32 to Node-Red” (MicroPython Programming) and trying to use ngrok to get out onto the internet but I keep getting an error each time I try to use my ngrok authtoken.
I get the token okay but when I try to use it I keep getting the error “Active ngrok client sessions in region ‘us’ ” with some code and an IP address of
This is not my IP address and when I try resetting it, it gives me the same error. I’m using a Raspberry Pi 3 B as my MQTT Broker.
How can I see my temperatures and DO on the internet from anywhere using the above?
But are you trying to use ngrok in your Raspberry Pi to connect Node-RED to a secure tunnel or are you trying to connect ngrok to an ESP web server?
I’m not sure which instructions are you following to make that work… Can you tell me the course that you are following?
I’m trying to use the “MicroPython Programming with ESP32 and ESP8266,v. 1.2, page 253, “MQTT-Connect ESP32 to Node-Red” course. And I’m trying to see the Node-Red temperature and switch button as indicated in the chapter picture from anywhere. I can see it locally on my WiFi but can not get it through to the internet where I can see it from anywhere. So I guess I’m trying to use ngrok to tunnel out with subscribed/published information from the RPi.
Thank you for getting back to me.
Ok, thanks for providing more details! But are you installing the ngrok on your Raspberry Pi and trying to make Node-RED Dashboard available from anywhere?
Yes, I’ve installed ngrok on my RPi and am trying to get it to show up everywhere. Is this the right place to install ngrok? Can Node-red be used like that?
If you’re using the free version of Ngrok, you can only have 1 secure tunnel active per account. So, when you run ngrok on a Raspberry Pi, you can either make your ESP or the Node-RED Dashboard available from anywhere.
Yes, you can definitely install ngrok in the Raspberry Pi and make Node-RED accessible from anywhere.
You can read this thread to make ngrok run automatically when the RPi boots:
I’m sorry but what is the “yourusername;your password” referenced in the reference above in:
screen -d -m ./ngrok http -auth="yourusername:yourpassword" 1880 ?