I have an ESP-12F and a commercial programmer for the esp. When I insert the 12-F into the programmer I can upload code to it and it runs perfectly transmitting data to a second ESP8266, with valid monitor data readings.
With the code still loaded I remove the 12-F from the programmer, and connect a 3.3 v battery (+) to 3V3 terminal and (-) to the GND terminal.
I get no response from the second ESP. So I momentarily ground the RST pin on the 12-F, and again I get no response from the receiving ESP. Any suggestions?
I also just tried attaching 3.3 V to the enable pin – nothing tried Gnd to Rst – stall nothing. Any ideas?
Do you have 3.3V connected to the enable (EN) pin and 3.3V pin?
Do you have GPIO15 and the GND pins connected to GND?
Which pins are you using for Serial communication?
Please make sure that ESP8266 RX pin is connected to the TX pin of the other board and the TX to the RX.
We have a project using the ESP8266 12E chip. The project has nothing to do with yours, but it may be helpful taking a look at the connections: https://randomnerdtutorials.com/low-power-weather-station-datalogger-using-esp8266-bme280-micropython/