I have used SPI and I2c to display my sensor data to a screen on a Raspberry Pi. I would like to take a HDMI screen to display text and data in python. When I hook an HDMI cable to a Raspberry Pi and a HDMI Screen I only get the PI home screen. How can I just display text and sensor data from Python to the HDMI screen
It depends on how you want to display the readings.
But you’ll probably need to create an application to do that. It can be something simple like a GUI in python.
Can you better describe what you’re trying to create?
Thank You for your respond. I would like to write to….. using python and print out on a HDMI screen. I started to read up on a GUI display for a Raspberry pi but wanted to know if you could use a HDMI screen just like you would use a small OLED in python.
I think you’ll always need to create some sort of GUI.
But I’m not very familiar with this particular subject.