When I’m doing the “Hello World” project in the Micropython course I noticed that sometime it works great and other times the esp32 does not respond. It will sit in the REPL with:
“Got a Connection request from 192.168.x.y”
At other times it will load properly. I tried different browsers but nothing else. I reviewed and replaced the code from git. There was one time where I received “content = b’ ‘ ” but nothing else.
Any thoughts? Thanks for your time.
Okay. I tried Chrome and Edge. With both browsers I need to select the address 2x(twice) to get “Hello World” to come up. The first time I see “Got a connection request from……” but no Hello World and nothing is showing in the REPL. Next, I put the curser next to the address of the ESP32 in the address bar and hit <CR>. It comes up every time with both browsers i.e. I can reproduce this with these two steps. I also swapped out esp32 for another one. Same behavior. Any thoughts? Thanks!!!
Hi Keith.
Are you using the example as it is? Or did you change something?
Are you opening more than one web browser window at a time?
Hi Sara – I’m going to clear off my desk, take a fresh esp32 and use the code(raw) in git. I believe I did all these things previously but I will do it again and report back. Thanks…..