I realized an almost complex device based on Arduino Uno where the data of several sensors are stored on a data logger shield.
Hello, unfortunately we don’t have any tutorials on that exact subject. We’re considering adding/writing a tutorial about that subject in the next couple of weeks. Can you describe which sensors would your like to use and the project behavior?
In summary, to establish a communication between an Arduino and an ESP32, you can connect the Arduino TX and RX cables to the ESP32 RX and TX. Then, in your code you can establish a serial communication at the same baud rate to exchange data between the two devices.
Hello Rui, Thank you for your message. I wait for your next tutorial dealing with exchange data between ESP32 and Arduino and manage them via internet. Concerning with my project, in summary, it is based on acquiring the solar light spectrum around the whole day with particular interest at sunrise and sunset. The device acquires data from 4 LDR, UV and DHT-22 and other two parameters to control the operation behaviour. Three of 4 LDRs are filtered respectively with blue, green and red shield. Datalogger shield is utilised to store data on a memory card by building a 9 columns (time, temperature and humidity included) x n rows matrix. The use of the datalogger shield implies using only 4 of the six analog inputs of Arduino. 4 relays are selectively driven to acquire each signal. A 12 V lead acid battery supplies the device through 2 DC-DC converters set at different output voltages to supply Arduino and other circuits.
I don’t know exactly when I’ll have time to publish the “serial data exchange” tutorial, but I’ll definitely write something on that subject in the next couple of weeks.
I’ll probably post a project like this: 1 Arduino reading LDR+DHT22 and sending that data to the ESP32 via serial to display/publish it on a web server.
Thanks for the project suggestion.
Hi Rafael.
We still haven’t created this tutorial.
Do you need any help?
Hello Sara,
Yes, I have this problem: I am building an AC power meter using AC712 and ZMPT101B sensors. Everything works okay when I use the Arduino analog pins, but it doesn’t work when I use the ESP32 or ESP8266 ADC pins.
My goal is to upload the sensor data to some cloud platform such as ThingSpeak; therefore, I thought that I could use an Arduino board for making the measurements and then make a serial connection with ESP32 or ESP8266 for sending the data to the cloud.
I have tried to connect the boards without success, could you please give me some guidance?
Kindest regards,
Hi Rafael.
When you say that it doesn’t work with the ESP32 and ESP8266 analog pins, what happens exactly?
Do you have the sample code that you use for serial communication between arduino and ESP32?
Otherwise, it is very difficult to figure out what might be wrong.