Dear all,
I am new to CYD, an I am planning to use CYD as multi image display based instruction from other ESP32 unit.
The instruction input can be recieved via Tx/Rx serial port, or ESP NOW.
Please guide me on how to do so.
Thanks and best reagrds,
We don’t have an exact tutorial with those features.
We have the following tutorials that might help you understand each of those parts:
- Getting Started Guide CYD with LVGL:
- Displaying images on the screen:
- Getting Started with ESP-NOW:
- Serial communication guide:
I hope this helps.
Thank you Sara,
I will look deep into your advise.
I just bought your LEARN LVGL book, and saw the solution in chapter 7.2
Best regards,
Dear Sara and others,
I still don’t understand how the LVGL library process their coding structure and the syntax.
The LVGL library treats every <image.h> as what object ? And how to paste all of the Pixels on the screen ?
My background is Machinery Engineer, and my computer programming experience start from Machine Language (very low level language, but very direct).
Does anybody from similar background, please show me the System Description of LVGL and how the Arduino IDE for ESP32 semantics being translated (compile) into machine action (CYD = machine) ?
Best regards to all,
I’m sorry. But I don’t think I understood your question. Can you be more specific?
If you like more low-level stuff, maybe it can help to take a look at the library source files on github:
Hi Sara,
Thanks for your guidance.
I think now I have slightly figure out the LVGL programming structure.
The LVGL functions and command command runs on the background. That why the codes are placed at setup() section. (slightly similar to FreeRTOS ).
And the loop() section are handling the parameters for the LVGL functions that are running at the background.
Therefore the way to control the LVGL functions are by modifying the parameters.
I am still learning. Hope I can clear things up.
By the way, does anybody had experience with EEZ Studio? Please advise.
Best regards,