For quite some time I keep struggling to get the ESP-VROOM 32 connected to the ESP-PROG module and get the inline debugger to work in VS platformIO
Unfortunately there are numerous webpages wih explanations which are either outdated or downright wrong.
It is very frustrating and I noticed that I am not alone.
There is a second option to use the nodemcu ESP8266 to work with the ESP-PROG
Would you be able to show me the setup of Visual Studio with PlatformIO and the ESP32 or ESP8266( I know just a few programmable pins remains.)
I hope you can help me out here
Herman van Twillert
I’m sorry, but I never experimented with the ESP-PROG.
So, I don’t think I can help with this subject.
But, are you getting any specific errors? Can you provide more details?