When I import the node_red_flow.txt to my raspberry pi, and then go to the ui, I do not get the screen that is shown on page 355. What I get is the following:
Welcome to the Node-RED Dashboard
Please add some UI nodes to your flow and redeploy.What am I doing wrong?
I think my problem lies with nodejs being version 10. When I run the curl command to update node red and nodejs, it says I should use the option –node14.
How do I add that option to the curl command or am I looking at this all wrong?
How are you importing the nodes to Node-RED?
You need to go to the menu on the top right corner, then Import and copy the content of the node_red_flow.txt file there.
Then, deploy your application by clicking on the deploy button.
Did you follow those steps?
Hi Sara
Yes it did all that to no avail. I still think it has something to do with the nodejs being version 10. Can I remove the nodejs and start all over? How do I go about it, formatting a micro sd card and start from there?
Yes. Maybe it is better to start all over again. Format the microSD card.
Then, I recommend following the next most up to date tutorials:
- https://randomnerdtutorials.com/installing-raspbian-lite-enabling-and-connecting-with-ssh/
- https://randomnerdtutorials.com/install-node-red-raspberry-pi/
Then, try to follow the instructions on the eBook from the start of that unit.
I hope this helps.
Thank you Sara, I started with a formatted microSD card and went from there. Everything is working now, once I erased the SD card, got rid of mismatched versions and such.