I can not open Micro python craft.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “uPyCraft.py”, line 2965, in <module>
File “uPyCraft.py”, line 87, in __init__
File “uPyCraft.py”, line 198, in setFont
FileNotFoundError: [WinError 3] The system cannot find the path specified: ‘%SystemRoot%\\Fonts’
I’ve received your files via email.
Did you install Python on your computer?
Did you add Python to PATH during the installation process, as shown in this picture:
I used Windows10 64 bit and I installed PIP(> easy_install pip) and esptool(> pip install esptool) ready.
I used Pythom version 3.9 and Add Python 3.9 to PATH ready. I can running Thonny good work
but craft it not work.
I don’t know how to solve that issue.
Maybe there was some problem during the installation. Can you try uninstalling it and install it again?
I format hardisk and install windows10 64 bit and install Python3.9 include PIP, ESPTOOL ready. But uPyCraft not work. It’s error can not fine msvcr100.dll file. I go to C:\windows\syatem32\ it has msvcr100.dll in floder.
I can solve the problem. ( Install V0.22 before then Update New version )
First : Download micropythoncraft from DFRobot/uPython (Zip File)
Secound : Split file
Third : Use micropythoncraft V0.22 Before
Fourth : Open and wait for the program said that “New Version Do you want to update”
Fifth : Update New version
It is working.
Thank you for your help.