Hi, I have understand that use JSON to transfer and parse data between different environments are really good to know so I wondering if you can create a course about that. How is GET, POST, PUT etc working and how can I easily parse out data from a JSON payload?
How can I use MQTT to transport data in the payload etc
It would be appreciated if the focus can be ESP8266/Arduino
And again Rui – you are creating VERY VERY good and easy-to-understand courses – keep up the good work!
Hi Peter, I hope you are doing well!
Right now, I’m completing a new course with the ESP8266 that should have its first units released this next Saturday. That’s a great subject for a blog post and I would love to cover it in the future, but I have to finish some other projects first.
In the meanwhile, if you need help with a specific problem, I might be able to help or point you to the right resource
The Arduino has a great library that I’ve used before called ArduinoJSON https://github.com/bblanchon/ArduinoJson
It has some good code examples too: https://github.com/bblanchon/ArduinoJson/tree/master/examples
Using MQTT with Arduino/ESP8266 as I show in the Home Automation course. You can simply add a variable to the publish function to send your data to the MQTT topic. Here’s an example:
client.publish("home/office/esp1/temperature", temperatureTemp);
I hope this helps and feel free to ask a specific question about your project!
Have a great day,