Working through smart home with raspberry pi esp32 and esp8266 and from page 234 have crafted the following comands
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ influx config create –config-name influx-config –host-url http: –org homr –token q1yQa5uaBLvEadxICgaxqjXcj6zirIsK2tR7dbGZHhOaigK_EsBwQ9fQx0riwUXCFX0jDW5VnOWuHkGU9Xi14g== –active
gave thisresponse
Active Name URL Org
* influx-config http: homr
then ran the following
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ influx apply -f
and this was the reply
2022/10/08 20:35:33 WARN: Passing URLs via -f/–file is deprecated, please use -u/–template-url instead
Error: failed to lookup org with name “homr”: Get “http:///api/v2/orgs?org=homr”: http: no Host in request URL
pi@raspberrypi:~ $
The first message is just a warning. The command should work with -f or -u command.
The error that prevents from continuing is that it can’t find any organzation with the name “homr”, you probably mean “home”? Please double-check your informationn on the command your typing.