I needed to run a sketch on my Arduino Uno that has been successfully used before, but this time the compiler said “IRremote.h not found”. When I searched for it, I found it in one of the several libraries that I seem to have acquired on my computer. Should there be several such libraries? If not, can I just merge all the elements of the different libraries into a single library?
Hi Bob.
What Arduino sketch are you talking about? Is it a project we have on our website? Or is it a tutorial in our courses?
If you’re following one of our projects with remote control, you need to have this library installed: https://github.com/Arduino-IRremote/Arduino-IRremote
Hi Sara
The sketch is from the Keyestudio Mini-Tank robot course, it ran perfectly well on my previous (Windows 7) desktop, but I have now replaced this with a Windows 10 desktop and transferred all Arduino files to it. The IRremote.h file is in the Arduino library, but the compiler did not find it, possibly because it was looking in the wrong library. I tried to reinstall IRremote.h, but the latest version would not install. I installed an earler version, which the compiler did recognise and the sketch now works OK. I assume the original problem is because the compiler was looking in the wrong library, so how do I avoid this sort of problem in the future?
I’m glad everything is working now.
That was probably caused because you transferred files from one computer to the other.
To prevent issues in the future, make sure you know where the Arduino libraries folder is located and that when you install a new library, its folder is placed there.
I’ll mark this issue as resolved. If you need further help, you just need to open a new question in our forum.