Hello Sara and Rui,
I just bought the Firebase Web App eBook and ran into an issue already on the first project 3.2 Authentication:
This is what I get in the serial monitor:
Connecting to WiFi …
Token info: type = id token, status = on request
[ 1173][E][WiFiClientSecure.cpp:383] setSocketOption(): 1006 : 9
Token info: type = id token, status = error
Token error: code: 400, message: PASSWORD_LOGIN_DISABLED
Token info: type = id token, status = error
Token error: code: 400, message: bad request
Getting User UID
I rechecked that I set the RTDB rules correctly as described in page 37.
“rules”: {
“UsersData”: {
“$uid”: {
“.read”: “$uid === auth.uid”,
“.write”: “$uid === auth.uid”
An email/password user exists and is enabled
I also replaced API Key, network credentials and email/pwd in the ESP32 source code
Any idea where to look?
Best regards,
Can you check your ESP32 boards installation?
Go to Tools > Board > Boards Manager > ESP32.
Use version 2.0.1.
Then, compile and upload the code again.
However, it seems a problem with password authentication:
“Token error: code: 400, message: PASSWORD_LOGIN_DISABLED”
Double-check all your credentials. It seems you didn’t enable the user login with email and password on the right project… maybe you have more than one project created and you’re not using the proper settings?
Hi Sara,
Thanks for your quick reply.The hint with the other project unfolded the problem.
I am using a credentials.h file, holding all credentials, which I include in main.cpp.
In VS-Code I edited the credentials.h of another project.
Best regards,