Last year, I built a server to control watering seedlings based an ESP8266 board. I started with the Websocket 2.5 project in you BBWS book. The project went smoothly and everything worked as specified. This year I’m trying to build a similar server based on an ESP32 board. I created a new project in VSCode, and copied all the appropriate files from the “Build_Web_Servers_ESP32_ESP8266_V2_2” folder. I made all the necessary SSID changes, but the file will not compile. I get multiple errors, not from the C++ code, but under the “.pio” folder. Specifically, the errors address AsyncTCP_RP2040W issues in this path: “.pio -> libdeps/esp32doit-devkit… -> AsyncTCP_RP2040W -> src -> async_config.h -> [ AsyncTCP_RP2040W… and AsyncTCP_RP2040W.h]” Have you seen this problem before, and can you suggest a workaround? I feel like I need to clear something from the past and start again, but I don’t know how to do that.
Does that happen with just that project or with other projects too?
How does your platformio.ini file look like?
Thanks for your response. I built a project to develop and test the circuitry for my new project and it worked fine. It did not, however, use the Async Webserver — just the serial monitor. Since submitting my question, I went back and found the original 8266 server project from last year, and it failed just like my current project. I also tried the WebSocket 2.5 project straight from your book using the 8266 with similar results.
My thoughts are that either a recent VSCode upgrade changes some dependencies, or my ASync WebServer library got corrupted in some fashion. My platformio.ini file is just as specified in your book.
Update – Today I installed PlatformIO on a RPi-4 that I previously had only used for Python development purposes. I then created a new project following BBWS instructions exactly. When I attempted to compile WebSocked 2.5 C++ code, I received the same errors I received in all my previous attempts on my MacBook Air. Some upgrade to VSCode or PlatformIO must be the cause for this problem. Has anyone else experience similar issues? I’m at a loss for how I should proceed from here.
Thanks for any suggestions.
I found this issue similar to yours:
Can you take a look and see if the proposed solution works for you?
Thank you. The solution proposed worked perfectly. I really appreciate your help.
Highest regards,
-R.T. Ladd