I used visual studio code for Arduino, for MicroPython I preferred Upycraft, but to configure it on my PC it was not an easy job. At first msvcr missing100.dll not found on Windows, so what I did, I bought a digital licence key for windows 10. That problem has been resolved. I struggled to download the program from Upycraft to the ESP. When the ESP is connected to the PC it works, but the moment I disconnect it to the PC and connect it to a 5 volt charger it stops working, I have been searching in google to find out where the problem could be. So, I reread your book several times then I realised where was the problem, it was about main.py, and boot.py. When I create a file, I never name it main.py, . I give it a name, as for example “blink.py” not called it “main.py”. After that issue everything is ok now.
Thank you so much for sharing this.
Some people sometimes report that problem, and I didn’t understand what could be wrong. That’s probably the mistake many people make that I wasn’t aware of.
If you don’t name your files main.py and boot.py, they won’t run by themselves.
Thanks for sharing.
It will definitely help many of our readers.
Let me know if you have more doubts.