I have RNT home automation running on a Raspberry pi 4.
I can open Node Red and the dashboard to see and control my devices, It works fine.
I cannot ssh into the pi.
Changed the password as found on a raspberry pi forum, but still cannot login to Pi.
Any help would be appreciated.
Access denied
that is all the response I get.
That is why I assumed I forgot the password.
I found how to copy and paste a password with another Pi.
Still no access.
Maybe SSH is not enabled?
If the Raspberry Pi OS you’ve installed has desktop support, I suggest connecting a monitor and a keyboard and check if SSH is enabled.
Hi again.
In that case, it will be very difficult to fix the issue.
You can try to check if SSH is enabled by connecting the RPi microSD card to your computer and checking the files on the microSD card (but there’s always the chance of losing the files if something goes wrong).
To enable SSH:
Install Raspberry Pi OS, Set Up Wi-Fi, Enable and Connect with SSH