When I log in to my Pi 3B+ the sudo poweroff command causes the Pi to crash, sudo reboot doesn’t work and the bash instruction to download Nodered causes a fault 404 on line 1.
Am I missing an instruction or is something corrupted?
Tried several reloads of all software and still same result.
Thanks John
- Are you using Raspbian Lite?
- Can you establish the SSH communication with your Raspberry Pi?
Can you try to re-enter this exact command?
bash <(curl -sL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/node-red/raspbian-deb-package/master/resources/update-nodejs-and-nodered)
Please post the error message that you see in the terminal window.
Thanks for your patience!
Thanks Rui
I looked at past questions and found some code which has helped me progress.
I had followed the course exactly and established ssh communication with the Pi using Raspian Lite, however when entering the bash instruction I was getting the error 404 in line 1. It was not recognizing the command at all.
After following the code on the Forum it has solved my problems. Didn’t understand the solution but happy that it works now.
Regards John