Hello all .
I followed the tutorial on how to use the esp32 with a k type thermocouple and everything is working well . Would someone be able to point me in the right direction to learn now how to add mqtt to the code to allow for more remote monitoring. For me being able to add mqtt to sensors is my last hurdle for different projects as at the moment I can only use mqtt if the code is already written.
Hope above makes sense and thank you for any help given
Hi Paul.
At the moment, we don’t have any specific tutorial about MQTT and the type-k thermocouple.
We have similar projects but for other sensors. For example https://randomnerdtutorials.com/esp32-mqtt-publish-dht11-dht22-arduino/
Replace the sections that refer to the DHT22 with the type-k thermocouple. For example, before the setup(), remove everything related to the DHT22 and add the definition for the thermocouple. Do the same for the setup() and loop().
I think it is easy to do that with the example I’ve sent you. Try to do it yourself, that’s how you’ll learn. Then, come back later and I can help you with your issues if you share your code.
I hope this helps.
Hi Sara
Thank you for your reply, I’ve had a quick look at the example and will have a go.
I will report back once ove had a chance to have a go ,
Hi Sara
Thank you for your reply, I’ve had a quick look at the example and will have a go.
I will report back once ove had a chance to have a go ,