I do have problem in uploading with esp8266, esp32 and esp32cam. There is no problem in compiling. I tried flush with the reset key on the board. And still showing (waiting ; out of time ; no header). Can you tell how to fixe this problem.
3 Answers
Can you provide more details?
What happens when you try to upload code?
Do you get any errors?
Thank you for your reply. I have problem uploading code.
- Board esp8266mod – board manager- generic esp8266mod- file example- basicHipptsClient – compile o.k. and upload o.k. until serial monitor showing wait 4,3,2,1 and not connecting to wifi. ssid and password check O.K.
- Board esp12E and 12F- board manager- Nodemcu12 module Fail to connect to esp8266 and time out waiting for packet header.
- Board esp32 wroom Devkitvi- board manager- esp32 Devkitvi- upload O.K. Example- scan wifi on the Serial Monitor Browout detector was triggered and showing no network connection.
- Board esp32-cam camera ov 2460-v2 file example-camera web server-Serial Monitor showing camera not support and camera probe failed with error 0x20004.I have enable Al Thinker on the code and again with esp 32 wrover module.
- I have spend many days to study this error and cannot find hints. It would be much appreciated if you could help me with those problems. All the project cannot proceed if I cannot fix those error. Thank a lot
- Kenneth Kwok
- This issue seems like a problem with Wi-Fi credentials. Please double-check the credentials and make sure that you’ve not mistyped any character.
- Is this the bare chip? Or a full-featured module? If it is the bare chip, how are you connecting it to your computer?
- Press the ESP32 on-board RST button after uploading the code. Check the power source of your board. See our troubleshooting guide bullet 8: https://randomnerdtutorials.com/esp32-troubleshooting-guide/
- See our ESP32-CAM troubleshooting guide: https://randomnerdtutorials.com/esp32-cam-troubleshooting-guide/
Try to solve one problem at a time. I hope this helps.