I followed the course instructions for Module 4 Unit 3 with interest and successfully created the web page with four buttons (two for GPIO 26 and two for GPIO 27).
I am finding it difficult now to understand how I connect this web page to the ESP32,
Do I use client.println(). in front of each of the lines I created for the web page in part 1 and upload to IDE to link the web page buttons?
The next steps in “ESP32 Web Server – HTML in Arduino IDE (Part 2/2)” are not clear to me.
Can you help clarify please?
Martin Relton
I’m sorry, but I don’t think I understood your question…
Can you please reformulate it?
Hi Sara,
Thanks for the prompt response and apologies for not getting back to you sooner.
I am following the course “Learn ESP32 with Arduino IDE” and cannot integrate the html web page I have created in Module 4 Unit 3 Part 1, into the Arduino IDE.
I am sure I must have missed or misunderstood a process step so I will revisit to gain a better understanding and get back to you with a more concise question if I have not been able to resolve the issue.
Many Thanks