I use Windows 10 22H2.
I followed the procedure in detail according to the document: Learn_LVGL_Build_GUIs_for_ESP32_Projects_V1_1.pdf up to page 44. (modul 1.6).
In the ARDUINO IDE 2.3.2 only COM3 appears as the USB network.
Then I installed CH340 driver as recommended but without success. (see details on attached docu).
With the use of COM3 it is not possible to load the example WiFiScan.ino.
What can I do to solve this problem ?
I point out that when I launch Arduino IDE 2.3.2 the following message:
“Some indexes could not be updated with:
404 Not Found: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/espressif/arduino-esp32/ghpages/%20package_esp32_index.json
I thank you for a kind help
You mistakenly added a space on the URL when installing the ESP32 boards.
Go to File > Preferences and fix your ESP32 URL in the “Additional boards manager URLs” field.
It should be:
Yours have an extra space.
Thank you
Thanks for the advice.
I actually now no longer have the error indication “404 Not Found”.
But the USB network problem on COM3 remains and I cannot download the WiFiScan.ini example.
I get the message : “ Fatal error : Failed to connect to ESP32: No serial data received.
Yes I have the “ESP32 by Espressif” version 3.0.3 -> “ESP32 dev Module”. -> Port “COM3”.
When you click on the upload button, do you see a lot of dots in the debugging window?
Right after clicking the upload button, after compiling, when you start seeing a lot of dots on the debugging window, hold your board BOOT button for around two seconds. Then, release it and the code should upload.
I performed the procedure as you indicated ( I see several repeating dots) but the code does not load. I think the problem is related to the USB communication driver that only activates COM3 and that it does not seem to be working .Regards ,
Yes. It must be an issue with your USB ports. Does that happen with a regular ESP32 too?
After a long holiday break I took up the problem again and found a solution:
I installed a universal USB driver -> CH341SER.EXE
and now the USB channel for code loading is working properly.