Is there any possibility for you to do an ESP32/8266 project for a MAC address sniffer logger as an aid to catchin robbers.
i have a remote property in Portugal which was robbed and stripped of virtually everything just before we bought it. Also I have a friend who has been robbed twice recently by the same guy caught on video camera and has good face shot. The GNR have yet to catch him.
The sniffer needs to have a work around to avoid randomly generated MAC addresses
Ideally the logger should send a email with the current log, IFTTT would be ideal.
A sniffer that can be selected to run full time and/or selected to be triggered on entry.
Hello Rob, I’m to sorry to hear that. From my experience that’s not very common in Portugal, but I guess in properties that the robbers know that are not being inhabited most of the time it happens more frequently.
I’m not sure if that would be the best method to catch a robber and I’ve never looked into creating MAC address sniffers… I honestly don’t know if that’s a good solution-