Hi guys, This is my first time on the forum, so I hope this is the place to post this issue I had. I just got your MicroPython course and and have no experience in programming I ran into an issue creating my first MicroPython script with the main.py file. I actually named the file Main.py instead of main.py, and after uploading, the program ran as expected, but when I reset the wemos d1, the program wouldn’t run on it’s own. Pulled my hair out trying to figure what the issue was suspecting something different with the wemos D1 vs the recommended ESP8266 12E. I finally went back and followed again and found my error in naming the file. Just thought it might be useful to note that the file name is case sensitive. Thanks for the great work you guys do.
Hi Terrance.
Thanks for your comment.
Yes, the name of the file must be main.py.
When you uploaded the Main.py file to your board, the IDE run that program using the board, but the program won’t run on itself when you reset the board. After resetting, only main.py and boot.py files will run by themselves.
I hope this is clear.