Hi, I can’t get the web page to load. I have saved these files and changed my SSID and PW.
This is the project: https://randomnerdtutorials.com/micropython-bme280-esp32-esp8266/
- BME280.py
- boot.py
- main.py
- I have saved these files and changed my SSID and PW
- BME is giving me good live values
- Thonny says my IP is
- I can ping my IP and get a good reply
- I checked my router and verified that my IP is corresponding to the correct ESP32 MAC address
- Got “Connection is successful”
- I am getting “OSError: Wifi Internal Error”. I can’t find anything on this.
Any idea on how to fix this last part? I can’t view the web page. It just errors out. Thanks!! Jeff