Dear Mr. Rui. First of all “Wish you very happy new year to you, Sara and your entire team !!”
I am studying your Micro python. my question is – is it required to every time initiate uPyCraft environment by loading bin files for ESP32 and ESP8266. Or it has to be done only once.
What I observed that when I opened the uPyCraft second time I had to re burn using new bin files for ESP32 and ESP8266.
Hello! Thank you and I wish you happy new year too! Basically, I think this is what’s happening: if you’re running a script in your board sometimes it’s busy running the script and performing the tasks.
So, you might need to try to open the COM port multiple times or restart the ESP to catch it available to establish the serial communication with uPyCraft IDE…
If you’re running a script that is using Wi-Fi or doing multiple tasks and try 3 or 4 times to establish the communication and you can’t, I usually re-flash the ESP with MicroPython…
I rarely have that problem, but sometimes with a script that is running that uses a lot of resources, it takes some attempts to establish the serial communication with uPyCraft IDE…
It’s a limitation and a bit frustrating, but I still think it’s the best option to program the ESP with MicroPython.