In the code for sending BME280 sensor reading to the ifttt, I want to know if the code is going to run once or it will keep on sending the sensor data every second. If that is the case then i did not see any loop ( While True) in the code. If I am right what ever you put in a would only run once. Please I need clarification. Thank you so much for this great work.
You are right. The code in the file runs just once on boot. To send the readings, you need to press the ESP32 EN button (because it restarts and runs the file again).
This is an example to show how to send the readings to IFTTT. We didn’t include it in a loop because it could excess the maximum allowed requests to the IFTTT services.
Our aim with this example was to show you how to make requests. You should then apply this to a specific case. For example, add a button that when pressed sends the readings, send readings every 30 minutes, or other scenarios.
About using multiple DS18B20 temperature sensors, I’ve already answered that question in another thread, you can read here:
I hope my explanation is clear.
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