Hi Rui Santos, or support
Phil here. MIT Inventor course mostly shows Bluetooth then you switch over to Ethernet with 8266. Is the programming similar to ESP 32… with some minor changes on the ethernet side?
Does Mit Inventor support Red Node or MQTT? I think the course I bought supports communicates to ThingSpeak
I am not sure how you communicate to thingspeak. I am not sure if one needs to own MatLab or not.
Not sure how one communicates to ThingSpeak maybe through the URL using MIT inventor?
I want the phone to talk with Thingspeak somehow maybe GET and PUT. I have an instrument that can Bluetooth into the phone. Collect the data and push it to the web service.
I will order this course if it will work with ESP32. I need lots of practice with Android applications. Do you have android examples or a course… using android studio? or does mit inventor work well…
In the MIT App Inventor course, we provide an application for the ESP8266. I think it should also work with the ESP32, but you need to change the code on the ESP32 side—the ESP8266 uses the ESP8266WiFi library, and the ESP32 uses the WiFi library.
With the ESP8266, the application that we create doesn’t use Bluetooth because the ESP8266 doesn’t support Bluetooth on its own. However, with the ESP32, you can use applications that use Bluetooth because it has built-in Bluetooth.
Please note that in the MIT App Inventor course, the applications were written for the Arduino board and the code. So, the examples won’t work for the ESP32 unless you modify both the application and the code.
In the “Learn with ESP32 with Arduino IDE” course, we provide a Unit that creates an application for the ESP32. Have you taken a look at it?
I think this discussion answers your questions about MQTT and ThingSpeak:
To clarify about the MIT App Inventor course: it doesn’t work out of the box for the ESP32 because it was built for the Arduino. However, if you follow the course, you’ll learn about creating several different applications with the MIT App Inventor.
Answering your last question: MIT App Inventor works well for simple applications, and it allows anyone without prior knowledge to create its own applications. However, it has nothing to do with creating apps using Android Studio. I’ve once taken a course about android applications with android studio and found it very difficult to get started. Nonetheless, there are very good courses about Android Studio—but that’s not a subject we cover in our tutorials.
I hope this answers your questions.
Let me know if you need further help.