Using Arduino ID 1.8.13
As per the instruction in M13 – U4 I am unable to install esp32fs.jar plugin.
Unable to complete this procedure: <home_dir>/Arduino-<version>/tools/ESP32FS/tool/esp32fs.jar
And hence I do not see “ESP Sketch Data Upload” under “Tools”
Please advise!
Can you be a little more specific about your problem?
When you say you are unable to complete the procedure, what do you mean exactly?
Hi Sara, Thanks for the quick reply! OK please follow me on this!
Lib files:
- ESPAsyncWebServer
- AsyncTCP
Installed as per instructions.
File structure setup as follows:
Arduino Sketch location <<D:\ARDUINO\SKETCHES AND LIB FILES\SKETCHES\ESP32_Async_Web_Server>>
- Contains sketch <<ESP32_Async_Web_Server.ino>>
- One folder called <<data>> which contains two files << index.html>> <<style.css>> As downloaded
Running IDE I am able to compile and upload <<ESP32_Async_Web_Server.ino>> to ESP, which runs ok.
After upload Serial monitor exhibits the following message:
ets Jun 8 2016 00:22:57
configsip: 0, SPIWP:0xee
mode:DIO, clock div:1
entry 0x400806ac
Connecting to WiFi..
HOWEVER! – I am unable to upload data files. Within IDE > TOOLS > ESP32 Data Sketch Upload
I don’t have this option.
I have the option to “WiFi101 Firmware Updater” but not “ESP32 Data Sketch Upload” option.
How do I Install the ESP32 Filesystem Uploader plugin?
I am using Arduino ID 1.8.13 and I´m unable to find the Arduino ID file Arduino-1.8.13 > tools
Hence unable to complete steps 2) onwards. It seems that the installation files are structured very differently for IDE 1.8.13 “Windows app installation”.
I was able to complete the unit by downloading Arduino IDE 1.8.10. Windows zipped file version. Extracted the files, installed the IDE 1.8.10, and finally, I was able to follow the GitHub – “Arduino ESP32 Filesystem uploader” plugin instructions.
Hi Karl.
I’m happy you were able to resolve the issue.
If you install the Arduino as a windows app, the files will be structured in a different way.
You need to download arduino as a .zip file.
I’ll mark this question as resolved.
If you need further help, you just need to open a new question in our forum.