Beginning with this unit, the rpi port changes from :1880 to :1883, and I stopped being able to follow.
On the 8266 serial monitor, it shows “Publish message…” text in the loop, but the code never goes through the “callback function.
It’s weird as all the code says 1883 in both 8266 & in nodered code but I still log into 1880 and see just the hard prints and no message, no repeating line, just a static message with “My Message” ont e screen but no count.
How much sof early exercises must I keep for this unit to work. Which port is correct.
What don’t I understand here.
Thanks in advance
Hello Ike, I apologize for the misunderstanding.
- The Node-RED software port is always 1880, so to access your Node-RED dashboard type http://RPI-IP:1880
- The port number 1883 is for the Mosquitto MQTT broker
Your ESP8266 is not connected directly to Node-RED. It’s connected to the Mosquitto MQTT broker on port 1883.
Then, your Node-RED client also connects to the MQTT broker on port 1883.
Does that make sense?
(In summary, Mosquitto MQTT Port = 1883, Node-RED = 1880)
Hurray! it worked. Took a little to figure out but I’m good until next time. Thx for quick response