I have just loaded the BLE / Android project into my board and noticed that it has taken 86% of the program memory.
Is there a way of adding more memory to an ESP32 to allow for larger programs?
Hello Graham,
Which ESP32 board and ESP32 chip that you’re using? For example I’m using:
- Board: DOIT ESP32 Devkit
- Chip: ESP-WROOM-32
Hi Rui,
This is the board description. It has the ESP-WROOM-32 chip.
Sorry for taking so long to get back to you, but I was only able to test the code again myself to check the memory usage. Yes, you’re right. Unfortunately at the moment the Bluetooth Low Energy capabilities of the ESP32 with Arduino IDE are very power intensive and it uses a lot of resources.
If you want to lower the memory usage, the best way is to use a lower level programming language and program the ESP32 with ESP-IDF: https://github.com/espressif/esp-idf
That’s the best option right now… Thanks for asking and I hope that helps.