Hello Rui,
I am facing problem with multiple UUIDs. All UUIDs Characteristics need descriptor or we define common descriptor for all? How we parse json file using BLE? Can you help me? Please.
Yes, I recommend using the common descriptor for all your characteristics. Where’s that JSON file?
Hi I create 3 characteristics but its shows only 2. Is it the limitation of BLE ?
No.. You can create many characteristics (I don’t know a maximum number), but it looks like you forgot to initialize some section that is required in order to create a 3rd characteristic…
Hi Rui, here i add my characteristics code part. What i do wrong in that? Can you help me please?
BLEService *pService = pServer->createService(SERVICE_UUID);
// Create a BLE Characteristic
pCharacteristicTX = pService->createCharacteristic(
pCharacteristicTX->addDescriptor(new BLE2902());
pCharacteristicM = pService->createCharacteristic(
pCharacteristicM->setCallbacks(new MODECallbacks());
pCharacteristicM->addDescriptor(new BLE2902());
pCharacteristicT = pService->createCharacteristic(
pCharacteristicT->setCallbacks(new TIMERCallbacks());
pCharacteristicT->addDescriptor(new BLE2902());
pCharacteristicD = pService->createCharacteristic(
pCharacteristicD->setCallbacks(new DEFAULTCallbacks());
pCharacteristicD->addDescriptor(new BLE2902());
Hello again Rushi, I’ve created an example for you that shows how to create 3 BLE characteristics: https://gist.github.com/RuiSantosdotme/d98d1867c5f53e57144877526665a199
Can you try that example and try to read the characteristics in your phone with the nRF connect app? Does it work for you?
Then, you need to modify that example and use if for your own needs.
Unfortunately due to the high volume of requests that I receive every day, it’s a bit difficult to debug custom projects, but I can help if you have a specific error message.
I hope that helps!
Thanks for your patience. Regards,
Yeah. Thanks. I try your code its showing all 3 characteristics. Now,I will try in my code.
Thanks for your support.
Somewhat now I seen 4 characteristic in nRF Connect app still 4 is remaining so I tried for that.
I have one question.
My app will be connected with ESP32 BLE and i am coming out from the app, device is disconnected and again i am connected with ESP32 BLE, it is not show the value.
If i reset the ESP32 then it will be shown.
What i do so if again i am connect with ESP32 it is not required to reset?
You would need to store the values in your app (in permanent variables), or you need to establish a new connection with your BLE device and request the characteristics values again…
If i am connected bulb with power supply and tested that time bluetooth shows connecting and disconnecting every time but if i have just use only esp32 module and tested without no load that time its always connected.
Its power issues or any other?