My pins looking to the right side of the layout are:
3v3,clk,sd0,sd1, d0,d13,d2,d4,rx2,tx2,d5,d18,d19,d21,rx0,tx0,d22,d23
This layout was causing me some serious trouble when I was wiring to the 30 pin layout given in the lesson. I’ve got it now I think. The touch sketch and the PWM sketches work when I use the pins as I described them above. Don’t know why the pins are different. It is the doit board. I’m simply writing this to alert others if they are having the problem.
ESP32 development boards exist in many forms.
From what you describe, it seems that you have the 36-pin DevKit v1 version:
As long as you have the right pinout diagram, it shouldn’t be a problem.
You are so right. Don’t know how I missed this but thanks much. If I were still teaching EE I would have been somewhat upset if one of my students had done this. Thanks much.